There are various activities you can do alone or in a group in Molana and surrounding area. Here some:
Clear and shallow water as precondition, shiny weather maximizes your snorkeling
Scuba Diving
The island is actually large reef cluster that emerges to the surface. This nature ensures you will find rich underwater life anywhere surrounding the island. The most popular spots are at the north side and the southeast side of Molana. If you got lucky, you will find an underwater cave that connected to a well at the center of the island.
If you are really an underwater enthusiast, then you must not miss the other famous spots spread around Nusa Laut, Saparua and Haruku island. For this kind of enthusiastic underwater exploration, we can help you with equipments and experts arrangement.
Island Hopping
Molana is part of Lease Islands along with Ambon (the capital), Haruku, Saparua and Nusa Laut. Most likely you will not miss Ambon since you probably landed there. We can guide your tour to the most interesting parts of the islands, either for cultural interest and nature beauties. Molana is located at the center of Lease Islands, that makes easy for island hoping arrangement.
Banda sea is famous for its content that attracts fishermen all over the world to get their share. But today, we chose to conserve the biodiversity and prevent overfishing practice. With the changing path from exploitation to conservation, the mass fishing activitiy is limited to avoid islands area. This condition give best chance for fishing tourism in Maluku. Get the unique experience of fishing in Lease Islands water.
Jungle Trekking
Most of Molana is covered by jungle and bushes over corals. You can either explore to find the best sunset and sunrise spots on a coral cliff or hoping for an encounter with the native faunas, please let us know what you find, because we haven’t explore it all.
Barbecue and Bonfire
How about to spend a night with traditional music and bonfire?
The Molana strait is only 4 km distance from Molana to Saparua. If you are in a group of profesional open sea swimmer, you can try and we make sure the safety procedure available for this.